Political direction fallacy
One of the greatest lies told since the French revolution is the directionality of political alignment. Left and Right are both meaningless concepts on the global stage, and only mean anything in relative terms. It helps elites create a false ‘us and them’ narrative, where you must defend your team, and attack the opposite team.
Your belief system is less important at the moment, than the system itself. To be able to group ourselves better, we must understand what groups we belong to, who our tribe is, so we can correctly organise, and not fall pray to thinking that our problems are different belief systems.
The Establishment
There have been many words for this group throughout time. In the NRx movement, I believe they’re called ‘the cathedral’. Marxism talks of hegemony and the bourgeoisie.
Establishment elite
The upper (haute), and ancient (ancienne) bourgeoisie. You’ll typically see these people as (in UK terms) the two major parties. It also extends to power brokers, and elite institutions, as well as the mega wealthy who have the ability to sponsor politics.
Non-ruling elite: Establishment pawns
In Marxian terms this would be the petty bourgeoisie. In British terms, these are social climbers. These are people who will carry water for the elite, and dispite not believing in what they’re told, continue to do their bidding.
General non-ruling elite
In the marxian hegemony, these are the people who are elite enough to have a force of their own, but not currently in the ruling offices. In fuedal times, these would be your Houses that serve the King — they would take control from time to time, the Crown would fall from one house to another. Think of this in modern times as your Democrats vs Republicans, or your Conservatives vs Labour.
In the UK this has been much more dynamic over time as parties fall further from grace and become sidelines and a new party takes it’s place in the dicotomy (See Liberals v. Labour).
Outside of the parties there also exists non-ruling elites:
- Journalists
- NGOs
- Champange socialists
- Corporate middle managers
You can tell a non-ruling elite from a ruling elite by the ability to order, or pass rules into existance on the demos writ large. If their doing supporting side work, or begging for something, they’re undoubtedly non-ruling.
Disenfranchised elites
These are people who are fighting an uphill battle from inside the elite circle. Think of someone who is of the elite, but does not share elite values, or beliefs. They are your disenfranchised elites. You must be careful with this group because they are aware of this groups existance, and will often LARP as being part of this group in order to get the support of The Ruled.
What ever happens, if you support a LARPer, you will undoubted find out their promises are designed to hurt, or demoralise you.
The Ruled
Hello Prolls. Should you make it into this category, I’m afraid your response, our your contirbution will only be recognised or mourned by the othere group should you serve their ends, or it serve their ends to do so.
There are many groups of The Ruled that you could split yourself into. Most of them only relevent if you’re actually in a political space that isn’t a facade.
There are basic agreements you need to have to form a collalition. Observation of reality, the freedom to say that which someone does not wish to hear, agreement that private individuals are able to conduct a life outside (and shielded) of politics, the ability of private individuals to conduct business without undue scrutiny, etc. Outside of this, if you think abortion is good, the person in the sports should have made some political guesture or not, completely irrelevent. Fun to debate, but it should be only a fun side quest.