A Brief Exploration of the British Uniparty
It’s well beyond time that we dismantle false choice.
During most conversations people will explore the state of British Political Parties as if they have been around for time immemorial. Something uniquely old, and deserving to be maintained for their historical curiosity. Similar to how we view The City of London.
The truth however, is much less flattering. The parties we have today stretch back to ~1900’s. I have posters and books that I’ve picked up for less than £5 that are much older. In fact, my kitchen dinner table is many times the age of our political parties, and it only cost me £110.
Why does price matter? Why am I telling you about the fantastic deals I’ve had on my weekend browsing of antique stores, and mid meeting browsing of eBay?
The Conservative Party is just 109 years old. In most peoples shock, Labour are older at 121 years old.
The more politically aware of you will know that the Labour party is unique in its founding, as it doesn’t draw heritage from older parties. But The Conservatives are the product of the Liberal Unionist Party and the Tories merging. The Tories being connected back to The Cavaliers, who planned a revolution and coup attempt against the Parliamentarians (Roundheads).
However, being able to draw people out from old parties being decimated by the new paradigm does not particularly grant the new party the heritage of its predecessors.
Why am I telling you about the fantastic deals I’ve had on my weekend browsing of antique stores, and mid meeting browsing of eBay?
I’m asserting that the value of the modern Conservative party is worth less than the amount of money I paid to acquire the propaganda poster of Churchill with the slogan “Let us go forward together”.
The Failure at the Conservative Party
A lot of conversations I have tend to be attempting to dissect the meaning of “Conservative” as it pertains to The Conservative Party, and what it actually means. Others tend to think Social Conservatism — or maybe maintaining of cultural heritage. No.
The Conservatives exist purely to serve a system. Maintain institutions; Good or bad. They are incapable of seeing past the next election cycle.
The current trend of Tory love towards the climate? They can use to maintain election supremacy over the other fractional parts of the Uniparty.
Despite agreeing on everything but the way they would apply the topical lotion, the Conservatives would still like to maintain their control over the tools and powers of Government. The last time someone else got in, they lost their ability to hunt with dogs.
The loss of Jeremy Corbyn as the head of the opposition was one of the worst things that has had happened for this country. Do not take this as an endorsement of Labour — but Corbyn actually made the Conservatives afraid of what would happen if they didn’t please their base.
Now we have a Blair-lite option in the opposition and Tory sphincters have relaxed. They can get back to delivering things no one wants.
Whatever you think of it, the introduction of universal suffrage radically changed the ability of the voting population to kill off a political party.
You may think these ideas are terribly unpatriotic, or potentially dangerous to consider. I can feel breaths of “What if Labour got into power?”.
Darling, I must contest that Labour are already in power. The actions of todays Government are as destructive to the small fragment of remaining moral backbone this island has as if we had Tony Blair in power once again.
I must state, that despite the warnings flashing in my head, Tony Blair might be more Socially Conservative than Boris.
God knows that Trevor Phillips and Blair have both openly recognised the errors they made.
Despite being as toxic to this country as his counterpart is in America, we have at least seen the outcomes of his experiments.
God forgive me for that thought.
The other parties?
Whilst the Lib Dems, Greens and others exist, they have fundamentally no contentions with each other. I see no reason to even explain why the Progs multiple hedges against electoral death should be considered separately.
An example:
Welsh election: Couple standing for different parties
Leena, 23, is standing for the Liberal Democrats in Clwyd South while Aaron, 24, is standing for Plaid Cymru in Aberconwy.
The framing of the article is to say “Awh, how sweet! They’re able to be in love with each other despite supporting different political ideas”. There’s no difference between Plaid and the Liberal Democrats.
Imagine the hubris of the people electing children to a legislative chamber. The level of intellectual vigour of that chamber is exactly what the modern world deserves.
Mr Speaker, I refuse to engage with The Right Honourable Members point because his mama’s so ugly, her birth certificate is an apology letter.
What can we do?
Frankly there’s not much to be done. One thing is to stop being scared.
Then we need to stop paying unearned respect to the Conservative party. They deserve no bonus points for standing by the Union Jack. They have no reason to be treated as something greater than what they are.
In the end they are as disposable as they treat us.
Attempt to create networks of like minded people who wish to be a prosperous nation, desire to coexist, and wish to mind each others freedoms whilst treating this land with the respect Britannia deserves.
Create options outside of their Uniparty and control.
Entryism into The Conservatives will not work. The system is designed to select winners and losers top down. Unless you are an Eton boy and you have done the special dance, you stand no chance.
Endure the pain that would come by not providing them with the confidence they need in the next election. Allow an alternative branch of the Uniparty to win.
The pain we endure will surely be less than that hoisted onto our children should we choose not to take it now.